op 1992 beoordelingen gepubliceerd
op 1992 beoordelingen gepubliceerd
Laatste neutrale klantbeoordelingen
Mijn producten stonden op een houten pallet die in mijn tuin werd achtergelaten door de bezorger die niet de moeite nam om de goederen van de pallet te scheiden en alles in een puinhoop achterliet ...
Mariane C.
na aankoop van 05/09/2023
Vertaalde beoordeling
Antwoord van
Hello Mariane, and thank you for your feedback.
We're sorry to hear that delivery was not as smooth as you'd wished. Your products were indeed shipped on a pallet in order to protect them as much as possible and optimize transport. Unfortunately, the delivery driver is not able to leave with all the pallets. Nor is it his job to de-palletize the products.
Thank you for your understanding.
If you have any other comments about the delivery, or need advice about our products, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Please do not hesitate to contact us!
We hope to hear from you soon,
The Reverdy Team
We're sorry to hear that delivery was not as smooth as you'd wished. Your products were indeed shipped on a pallet in order to protect them as much as possible and optimize transport. Unfortunately, the delivery driver is not able to leave with all the pallets. Nor is it his job to de-palletize the products.
Thank you for your understanding.
If you have any other comments about the delivery, or need advice about our products, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Please do not hesitate to contact us!
We hope to hear from you soon,
The Reverdy Team
De producten zijn erg goed, maar ik moest 2 pompjes bestellen voor de lijnzaadolie omdat die niet bij de blikjes werden verkocht (en zonder pompjes zou je morsen). Helaas gingen ze allebei kapot voordat het blik op was (hoewel niet door dezelfde persoon).
Elodie L.
na aankoop van 04/03/2023
Vertaalde beoordeling
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Hello Élodie, and thank you for your feedback.
The pumps are actually offered separately, so that they can be reused from one can to the next and not go to waste. We've never received any feedback about the pumps' lack of sturdiness. This information has been passed on to our quality department, and we will do our utmost to remedy the situation. If you could get back to us directly with some information on this, it would be a great help 🙂
In the meantime, don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or need any advice. Our team is always ready to listen!
The Reverdy team
The pumps are actually offered separately, so that they can be reused from one can to the next and not go to waste. We've never received any feedback about the pumps' lack of sturdiness. This information has been passed on to our quality department, and we will do our utmost to remedy the situation. If you could get back to us directly with some information on this, it would be a great help 🙂
In the meantime, don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or need any advice. Our team is always ready to listen!
The Reverdy team
Snelle levering, maar ik heb het verkeerde product ontvangen en dat besefte ik pas toen ik de zak opende. Ik bestelde oligovit in kleine korrels en ontving de gemakkelijke dosering...
Anaïs G.
na aankoop van 08/08/2023
Vertaalde beoordeling
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Hello Anaïs, and thank you for your feedback.
We apologize for this error, and our Customer Service will contact you as soon as possible.
We thank you for your understanding and remain at your disposal should you have any questions.
We remain firmly committed to the quality of our products and the service we provide to our customers.
We hope to see you soon,
The Reverdy team
We apologize for this error, and our Customer Service will contact you as soon as possible.
We thank you for your understanding and remain at your disposal should you have any questions.
We remain firmly committed to the quality of our products and the service we provide to our customers.
We hope to see you soon,
The Reverdy team
Het product ziet er goed uit maar is erg ingewikkeld om te geven Mijn paard vindt het helemaal niet lekker 😞
Sandy B.
na aankoop van 17/07/2023
Vertaalde beoordeling
Behandeling (vitamine E) had niet het verwachte effect.
Lucie H.
na aankoop van 23/05/2023
Vertaalde beoordeling
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Hello Lucie, thank you for your feedback.
The expected effect of this supplement is to increase the horse's vitamin E content in the blood.
Its effectiveness has been proven and validated by several hospitals and veterinary clinics with which we work (subject to compliance with the recommended daily doses indicated on our technical data sheet).
If you need more information, have any questions, or need advice on your horse's ration, don't hesitate to contact us 🙂 Our team of nutrition advisors and the veterinarians in our Health Department will be delighted to help you!
The Reverdy team
The expected effect of this supplement is to increase the horse's vitamin E content in the blood.
Its effectiveness has been proven and validated by several hospitals and veterinary clinics with which we work (subject to compliance with the recommended daily doses indicated on our technical data sheet).
If you need more information, have any questions, or need advice on your horse's ration, don't hesitate to contact us 🙂 Our team of nutrition advisors and the veterinarians in our Health Department will be delighted to help you!
The Reverdy team
Een beetje lang, en eerlijk gezegd, om een vrije dag te vragen om het pakket op te kunnen halen vind ik echt ingewikkeld. Ik zal het zeker niet aanbevelen.
Julie P.
na aankoop van 16/02/2023
Vertaalde beoordeling
Het is zonde om bij elke bestelling een pod op te leggen terwijl we al lang van uw producten profiteren en de collectie steeds zwaarder wordt... het is een nutteloze consumptie van plastic
Solenne D.
na aankoop van 31/01/2023
Vertaalde beoordeling
Ik weet niet zeker of dat gaat lukken. Het zorgt er niet voor dat je andere e-mails wilt neerleggen. 🙂 Ik weet niet zeker wat ik moet kiezen tussen een CMV en wholefood, maar ze antwoorden niet "als je een CMV zoekt, neem dan dit... Als je een complete voeding zoekt, neem dan dit...". Uiteindelijk heb ik mijn advies ergens anders opgevolgd. Maar ik waardeer de reacties toch!
Irène L.
na aankoop van 26/12/2022
Vertaalde beoordeling
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Hello Irene, and thank you for your testimonial. We are very sorry to read that our team of nutrition advisors was unable to give you a satisfactory answer 😥
We have gone back over the exchanges and they are indeed lacking in specifics, which is surprising because we make it a point to ensure that each of our answers is personalized and tailored to each request. If necessary, we do not hesitate to call upon the veterinarians of our Health Unit for more complex and exceptional cases.
In any case, the information has been passed on to our team, which will redouble its vigilance.
If you still have questions, do not hesitate to contact us, we will answer them with great pleasure.
See you soon,
The Reverdy team
We have gone back over the exchanges and they are indeed lacking in specifics, which is surprising because we make it a point to ensure that each of our answers is personalized and tailored to each request. If necessary, we do not hesitate to call upon the veterinarians of our Health Unit for more complex and exceptional cases.
In any case, the information has been passed on to our team, which will redouble its vigilance.
If you still have questions, do not hesitate to contact us, we will answer them with great pleasure.
See you soon,
The Reverdy team